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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Confessions of a Conversation Heart Hoarder

13 years ago on Feb 9th 2002 my daughter got married and a new granddaughter was born to my son's family.  It was a double dipper day!

So in remembrance of this happy and memorable day I am going to share with you my hoarded stash of candy conversation hearts.

These hearts are the same ones we used to make a decorative center piece on the wedding reception tables.  I have a hard time tossing things out and this jar of candy hearts is one of them.  Always figured there would be a time when I could use them again.  Not to eat mind you but some sort of craft project. They've been stored on the garage shelf just mocking anyone who passes by.  My grandkids would always ask, "How long are you going to keep those things!"  It's been a long standing joke.  Hey I may keep them for when my granddaughter  gets married, you know something OLD something new?  That or a severe candy heart crisis where I will be forced to eat them 😝😁 ha ha!
Well now that I am soaping I was looking for inspiration for a Valentine's Day soap and there on the shelf was my answer.  So I made a mold out of honey, glycerin and Knox gelatin to press in the candy hearts.  Once my mold was set, out came the hearts and in went the soap batter.  An experiment that worked out OK and I still have plenty left for my granddaughters big day hopefully about 10 years or so from now 💏 I don't want to rush anything!  

So if you could hazard a guess, how many hearts do you think I have left in my jar?  Whoever guesses the closest wins one of these soap bars.  Winner to be announced on Feb 9th.